To get into a good university, a student must not only possess a strong foundation, smart strategy, and endurance, but also plan out the 4 years of high school.
In the busy academic years of high school, the intermittent months of summer have no doubt become the golden opportunity to earn extra points on your college application. Students should make full use of their time outside the classroom to show their passions in life, concern for the world and their community, and their future goals and aspirations in order to shine amongst thousands of applicants.
There are thousands of summer camps and summer schools to choose from. Most parents and students feel overwhelmed and are at a loss when it comes to choosing the right activities. Here are a few important considerations for scheduling summer activities:
● Not all summer activities will add value to your application, but some activities can increase the student’s experience and stimulate his or her motivation for improvement.
● Most of the participating activities require a long-term commitment to truly highlight the student’s high level of interest and commitment.
● Many popular activities lack uniqueness because nearly every Chinese student does the same thing, but with some smart tweaks and adjustments, they can still be the central highlight of the application.
Smart and strategic guidance in choosing summer activities will help you successfully showcase your value on your application!
As we all know, most summer activities require a fee to participate, and the cost could be pretty substantial as well. But what is certain is that in recent years, various prestigious schools in the United States continue to advocate for equal rights to education at all levels of society. In other words, needlessly wasting money by buying activities may not necessarily be enough to achieve the desired results. There are many quality summer activities that are so competitive that they parallel the application process of prestigious schools. For many highly recognized students, summer activities can be free, and some programs even subsidize participating students.